National Cloak & Suit Co., Frühjahr/Sommer 1924

Mode aus dem Versandhauskatalog der Firma National Cloak & Suit Company aus Kansas City, Missouri, USA für Frühjahr und Sommer 1924.

Seiten insgesamt: 334 (150 online)

Scanformat: 22,4 x 29,9 cm / 8,82 x 11,77 in

Im Katalog blättern

150 Seiten

S. 1

Titelseite, Umschlag bzw. Cover des Versandhauskatalogs, Bd. 28, Nr. 2, der National Cloak & Suit Company aus Kansas City, Missouri, USA für Frühjahr und Sommer 1924. „NATIONAL“, der Geld sparende Modekatalog. Frühjahr und Sommer 1924. 16 X 201—[Sommerkleid aus] Voile. $5.98. Beschreibung dieses Kleides siehe Seite 2. National Cloak & Suit Co., New York und Kansas City. [Seite 1]

S. 2

Geradlinige Kleider und ein Stilkleid in der Mitte. Interessanterweise entspricht das erste Modell dem Kleid aus dem Philipsborns Frühjahr/Sommer Katalog des selben Jahres auf Seite 17.

S. 2a

SERVICE and SATISFACTION for YOU — the cornerstones on which stand these Two Big Stores of the "NATIONAL." HERE on this page we picture for you the "NATIONAL'S" two mammoth buildings—one in New York and one in Kansas City. Our friends call them the "stores that save you both Time and Money." And it is true—they do. For months our Buyers have been hard at work to make this Season your big opportunity for Money-Saving. And now everything is ready. Our shelves are piled high with merchandise so that there may be no delay in filling your order. The money-saving prices speak for themselves. And remember even our lowest priced merchandise is always reliable merchandise. The "NATIONAL" never has and never will sell any but dependable goods. Satisfactory service from the articles you buy and quick service in filling your order are two policies for which the "NATIONAL" is famous. Our Kansas City Store is noted for the prompt, almost perfect service it gives to our many customers who live west of the Mississippi River. Our styles are exactly the same New York styles that the "NATIONAL" carries in its New York Store. The quality is exactly the same and so are the prices. By buying from our Kansas City Store you save from 5 to 8 days on your order and you secure exactly the same goods at exactly the same prices as at the "NATIONAL" in New York. Save Time and Save Money by shopping at the "NATIONAL" in Kansas City. NATIONAL CLOAK & SUIT CO. Kansas City, Missouri. (NEW YORK. Home of NATIONAL Cloak & Suit Co.) Same Styles. Same Values. Same Merchandise. Same Quality. Same Prices at KANSAS CITY as at NEW YORK and You Save 5 to 8 Days on YOUR ORDER. (KANSAS CITY. Home of NATIONAL Cloak & Suit Co.) [Page 2a]

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OUR KANSAS CITY HOUSE Saves You 5 to 8 Days on Your Order and gives you exactly the SAME New York Styles and Wonderful Values as the "NATIONAL" in New York. Washington. Only 3 to 3½ days by mail to New York Styles stocked for you in Kansas City. Oregon. You are over 3,000 miles from New York, yet our Kansas City Home brings Fifth Avenue Style within 3 days of you by mail. California. Your letter reaches our Kansas City Plant about 3 days after you mail it. Nevada. Only 2 to 3 days by mail from a complete stock of New York Styles in our Kansas City Home. Idaho. Two to 2½ days is all it takes for your letter to reach us in Kansas City. Utah. You can feel sure of quirk service when you realize that your letter is in our Kansas City Plant 1½ to 2 days after you mail it. Arizona. You are only 2½ days by mail from our Kansas City Home. That means only 2½ days from real New York Styles. Montana. New York Styles are only 2½ to 3 days away from you by mail. That is why we built a second home in Kansas City—for your convenience. Wyoming. Two days by mail from our Kansas City Plant. We combine for you New York Styles and quick service. Colorado. You cannot go East to shop in 1½ or 2 days. Yet an order for New York Styles to our Kansas City Home arrives that quickly. New Mexico. Just think your letter mailed today will reach our Kansas City Plant day after tomorrow! That enables us to serve you quickly. North Dakota. Between 2 and 2½ days is all you are from our Kansas City Home. South Dakota. It takes your letter only a little over 1 to 2 days to reach us in Kansas City. Nebraska. You can write us for New York Styles today and your order will probably be in our Kansas City Plant tomorrow. Kansas. You cannot reach New York in one day. But the New York Styles in our Kansas City Plant can be reached by mail in about 24 hours. Oklahoma. Your letter reaches our Kansas City Plant between 1 and 1½ days after you mail it. That means quick service. Texas. When you want New York Styles your letter need not travel across the continent. It takes only 1 to 2 days to reach our Kansas City Home. Minnesota. You are only 1 to 1½ days by mail from real New York Styles in our Kansas City Home. Iowa. If you mail your letter today we shall probably get it in Kansas City tomorrow. Louisiana. You are only 1½ to 2 days by mail from our home in Kansas City. Arkansas. You get quick service from our Kansas City Plant. The letter you send us one day is delivered to us the next. The "NATIONAL'S" Home in Kansas City, Mo. Missouri. Orders mailed from any part of Missouri are in our hands 3 to 18 hours later. Same Styles. Same Values. Same Quality. Same Merchandise. Same Prices. At Both New York and Kansas City. Look for Your State and see How Near you are to our Kansas City Store. It is this quick service to you who live West of the Mississippi River (including all of Minnesota and Louisiana) that makes Buying at the "NATIONAL" so much Pleasure. New York is the style center of the country. Here are born the new Fashions and here the "NATIONAL" studies and creates the authoritative New York modes for which we are justly famous. We know that you—our customers in the West—would never be satisfied with anything but real up-to-the-minute New York Styles, but we also realize that after ordering these styles you do not like to wait while your letter travels across the continent and the merchandise travels back. Therefore, to give you quick service, to save you from 5 to 8 days on your order, we duplicated our House of New York Styles one thousand miles nearer your front door—and we duplicated it exactly. In this big building in Kansas City, shown on the preceding page, we carry exactly the same goods, of exactly the same quality, in exactly the same styles, at exactly the same prices as we do in New York. Remember, if you live west of the Mississippi River (including all of Minnesota and Louisiana) you save from 5 to 8 days' time by ordering from our Kansas City Home and you get the same styles the "NATIONAL" has always been known for—authentic, modish New York Styles at money-saving prices. Send your order to NATIONAL CLOAK AND SUIT COMPANY KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. [Page 2b]

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Have You Seen these Advertisements? FOR months the advertising of the "NATIONAL" has appeared in your favorite magazine. We have a message for you and for all women. We want to tell it as publicly and strongly as we know how. Behind the message we want you to feel our responsibility to you. For thirty-five years we have served you to the utmost of our ability, and never, in all our history, have we felt more determined to stand by our policy. It is to bring you the best and latest of the season's styles. It is to permit you and your family to be well dressed at the greatest possible saving to you. It is to serve you promptly, faithfully and earnestly. That is the message our advertising and this Style Book hold for you. Now that You have this Book— Make it serve you faithfully and well. It can and will if you use it. Every time you buy from it, with every single purchase, you get a double assurance—you save money and you buy Style. The book can only guide you to Fashion, to saving, if you do consult it before you spend any money for clothes. Read it. Study it carefully. Notice the Styles—the beautiful dresses, coats and suits and other wearing apparel. Then remember that nowhere else can you buy such stylish garments at such low prices. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. Your complete satisfaction or your money back. This is exactly what we mean when we say that the "NATIONAL" is a Money-Back House. It means that we guarantee everything in this Style Book to be exactly as pictured and described. We guarantee every price to be a money-saving price. You are the only judge. If anything you buy from the "NATIONAL" does not please you, send it back; we will refund your money, and we will pay transportation charges both ways. PLEASE LEND YOUR STYLE BOOK. As a favor to the "NATIONAL" and as a favor to your neighbor, won't you please lend your Style Book? For the past thirty-five years the demand for the "NATIONAL" Style Book always exceeds the supply of these books and this season will probably prove no exception. So please lend your Style Book. But only after you have enjoyed the pleasure of seeing all the latest New York Styles and after you have had the first advantage of the Savings this Book offers. This Style Book is the property of and should be returned directly to Name ______. Address______. NATIONAL CLOAK AND SUIT COMPANY, NEW YORK AND KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Page (2) 3

S. 10

The "NATIONAL" the House of Style. The Secret of Style for the Woman with Limited Dress Allowance. OUR wealthier friends are indeed fortunate. For they can easily gratify that age-old desire for new gowns and coats and lingerie; shoes and dress accessories. But for us who have to count our pennies, the problem of dress becomes a real source of worry and despair. What to buy? Is it stylish? Will it wear? Constantly, these three questions are before us. Is there any solution? Yes, Madam, there is an answer — "Shop at the 'NATIONAL'." For 35 years we have specialized in creating stylish clothes at money-saving prices. Today the "NATIONAL" is nationally recognized as the House of Style. If you studied, lived, breathed, style for 35 years right in New York, the style center of America, don't you think you, too, would know style. We do know style. Often you hear your friends and neighbors say, "Don't you like my 'NATIONAL' Dress?" Do you recall the touch of pride in their voice when they said "my 'NATIONAL' Dress?" Do you speak of your clothes with that touch of pride our customers do? You will if you buy at the "NATIONAL," for truly we are Specialists in Style. Because We are Specialists in Value, too, You Get the Most for Your Money. Everyone admits that the specialist can give you the best and finest articles. But what is not generally known is that the Specialist Gives the Greatest Values. Our very bigness spells pleasant economy for you. Where the smaller house buys in quantities of a dozen, we buy in hundreds. Mills, manufacturers, wholesalers all know we buy for cash and so quote us the very lowest prices. Every penny of these savings we pass on to you. Do you know any other house you buy from that examines every dress or coat or skirt or suit, to make sure that it meets the high standard of quality, workmanship and value demanded by the "NATIONAL." We are glad to do it, because by this very examination do we insure your getting quality clothes at money-saving prices—clothes satisfaction. We honestly believe no one has equal experience or an equal opportunity to give you as much for your dollar as can the "NATIONAL." We say we honestly believe this—and we do. But we want you to prove it for yourself. We want you to study "NATIONAL" values and see for yourself that this Book is for you, indeed, the "NATIONAL" Money-Saving Style Book. And by studying this Book, you will know the secret of style for the woman with limited dress allowance. It is to buy your clothes and your family's clothes at the "NATIONAL," the house of style and value. Putting Our Best Values First. THE New York styles pictured on the opposite page solve your problem of how to dress more stylishly and still save money. One glance tells you they are stylish. But you must see these dresses to appreciate what outstanding values they are. Truly, there is pleasant economy for you if you but choose these gowns. NATIONAL CLOAK AND SUIT COMPANY, NEW YORK AND KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Page 10

S. 11

Kleider mit geradlinigem Schnitt. Auch Stilkleider sind 1924 noch sehr modern (Kleid rechts außen).

S. 12

Elegante Kleider aus Seide für „halb formale“ Anlässe. Das ärmellose Abendkleid aus rosa Seiden-Georgette-Krepp ist aufwendig bestickt.

S. 13

Fifth Avenue Shops Show No Smarter STYLES than These. All-Wool Crepe. "I Would Buy This Dress If I Were You." 10 X 512—"I would buy this dress if I were you," says our style expert, "because I know how becoming it is and what a remarkable value at this low price." You know the one-piece cloth dress is always the well dressed woman's first choice for good all-around service, and this new model of fashionable All-Wool Crepe is both practical for service and very smart in style. The material is of medium light weight and has the crisp finish that prevents it from wrinkling easily. The dress is designed on the modish straight lines Fashion calls for in this type of dress and shows a becoming collar trimmed with braid and buttons and finished with a ribbon bow. Braid and buttons are also used effectively on the flare sleeves and skirt. A smart feature is the deep lap at side-front of skirt extending from the sash belt to lower edge. COLORS: grey, navy blue or cocoa tan. SIZES: 34 to 44 bust. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also length from back of neck to bottom of hem. State height and weight, also color desired. OUR PRICE, $7.98. Postage 13¢ extra. All-Silk Taffeta. For Dressy Wear Choose This All-Silk Taffeta Frock. 10 X 511—The indispensable silk taffeta dress always has a favored place in the well dressed woman's wardrobe—and we are sure this stylish model will have a favored place in yours. The dress truly merits it, because it has smart, fashionable and becoming style and it is made of good quality soft-finished All-Silk Taffeta. Like so many of the latest models this dress shows the slightly draped basque effect waist and gathered skirt, attached at a modish low waist-line with cording. Embroidered organdie forms the dainty and becoming collar, and novelty braid trims the turned-back cuffs. Folds of self-material trim the front of the skirt in modish style and are finished with novelty braid like that on the cuffs. Novelty braid-and-ribbon loops and streamers at waist-line. Invisible underarm closing. COLORS: navy blue or black. SIZES: 34 to 44 bust. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also length from back of neck to bottom of skirt. State height and weight, also color desired. OUR PRICE, $12.98. Postage 13¢ extra. DO NOT DELAY YOUR ORDER BY FORGETTING TO GIVE SIZE AND COLOR DESIRED. Page 13

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Each with that Subtle Charm found Only in Smart Dresses. Mrs. Henry Johnson of I Rockford, Illinois, Says: "I certainly was pleased with my 'NATIONAL' dress. It was the first time I ever sent for one but it will not be the last. Everyone who has seen it says it is fine. The material and workmanship cannot be equalled for the price. The other articles were fine also and I am going to send you another order soon." We Never Publish a Letter Without the Writer's Permission. All-Silk Taffeta. Here Is Marvelous Value And a Handsome Dress. 10 X 513—We know you will welcome this money-saving bargain—only $8.98 for this smart new Dress with its long-waisted lines, full gathered skirt and novel trimming. The material is a soft, lustrous All-Silk Taffeta always dressy and of far better quality than you would expect in a dress so moderately priced. The becoming bateau neck is finished with a pretty collar of dainty lace. Picot-edged flare cuffs of the taffeta finish the short sleeves. A striking note of bright color is given by the embroidered medallion placed at the low waistline and finished with a sash of fancy ribbon which ties at either side as pictured. Dress slips on over the head and has a shoulder closing. COLORS: black or navy blue. SIZES: 34 to 44 bust. Give bust, waist and hip measures; height and weight; state length from neck to bottom of hem at center back and be sure to give color desired. OUR PRICE, $8.98. Postage 13¢ extra. All-Wool Poiret Twill. Yes, Madam, All-Wool Poiret Twill with the Striking New Embroidery. 10 X 514—"The use of embroidery is strongly featured in New York's newest dress models" says a leading dress designer. This clever one-piece Dress is made of fashionable All-Wool Poiret Twill, a fine twilled material that wears splendidly. A novel block embroidery worked in lustrous floss forms a full-length panel at the left side-front of the dress and trims the flare-cut cuffs as well Dress has a becoming bateau neck, slips on over the head and is held at the low waist-line by the long, narrow sash-belt of self-material, finished with an ornamental buckle slide. Shoulder closing. COLORS: tan, grey or navy blue. SIZES: 34 to 44 bust. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height and weight and length from neck to bottom of hem in back, also state color desired… $8.98. Postage 13¢ extra. Note the Chinese Influence in this Stylish Dress. All Silk Canton Crepe. 10 X 515—"East is East and West is West," but in this beautiful Gown East and West do really meet. The master designer has caught the romance and subtle charm of the Far East and developed it into this adorable dress for Miss New York's "best." A graceful tiered skirt, bright trimming touches and the Chinese collar are new fashion features smartly brought out in this delightfully becoming Dress of All-Silk Canton Crepe, a fashionable material resembling crepe de chine in weave, but heavier. A novel trimming combining harmonizing color silk crepe with gay striped ribbon is seen in the stand-up "Chinese" collar, the narrow, close cuffs and the bands on the new puff Bishop sleeves. Bright colored glass buttons trim the front of the long waisted blouse at the neck vent closing. The four-tiered skirt, showing four graceful ruffles is mounted on a foundation skirt of self-color seco silk. COLORS: navy blue or black. SIZES: 34 to 44 bust. Give bust, waist and hip measures; height and weight; also state length from neck to bottom of hem in back and give color desired… $16.98. Postage 15¢ extra. NATIONAL CLOAK AND SUIT COMPANY, NEW YORK AND KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Page 14
