Chicago Mail Order Co., Herbst/Winter 1932

Mode aus dem Versandhauskatalog Nr. 112 der Firma Chicago Mail Order Company aus Chicago, Illinois, USA für Herbst und Winter 1932-33.

Seiten insgesamt: 324 (150 online)

Scanformat: 19,9 x 27,8 cm / 7,84 x 10,95 in

Im Katalog blättern

150 Seiten

S. 1

Titelblatt, erste Umschlagseite bzw. Cover des Versandhauskatalogs Nr. 112 der Chicago Mail Order Company aus Chicago, Illinois, USA für Herbst und Winter 1932-33. DAS GRÖSSTE UND EXKLUSIVSTE VERSANDHAUS DES LANDES bietet wieder die BESTE MODE DER WELT zu den NIEDRIGSTEN PREISEN DER WELT an. Sie werden die Preise in diesem Katalog extrem niedrig finden, so niedrig, dass wir es für wichtig halten, Ihnen zu versichern, dass die QUALITÄT beibehalten und verbessert wurde. Nie zuvor waren wir in der Lage, Ihnen so viel WERT für jeden Dollar, Cent und Penny zu bieten, und wie immer ist jeder Artikel durch unsere $3.500.000,00 GARANTIE für absolute Zufriedenheit abgesichert — IHR GELD WERT ODER IHR GELD ZURÜCK. IHR WAHL FÜR $1.79. Für MÄNNER. „RÜCKSTANDSLOSE“ KOMPOSIT SOHLE. 26 J 1401—Größen 6 bis 11. Breite Weiten. Geben Sie die Größe und alle Nummern an, die in Ihrem Schuh gedruckt sind… 1.79 $. Versandgewicht 2 8/16 Pfund. Stolze Herren-Oxfords aus schwarzem hochwertigem Seitenleder, gegerbt um Kalb zu ähneln. Echte Goodyear Welt Konstruktion. Gummi-Absätze. Extra haltbare Sohlen. Leder-Innensohlen. Großer Wert. Für DAMEN. LEDERSOHLE. 26 J 545—Größen 2½ bis 9. Breite Weiten. Geben Sie die Größe und alle Zahlen an, die in Ihrem Schuh abgedruckt sind. Preis… 1,79 $. Versandgewicht 1 6/16 Pfund. Fesch! Gute Qualität! Erstaunlich preisgünstig! Aus schwarzem Seitenleder in Reptil-Narbung; glatte, ausgeschnittene Sägezahn-Ränder. Gummigepolsterte kubanische Absätze. Typischer C.M.O.-Wert. ALLES ZUM ANZIEHEN FÜR DIE GANZE FAMILIE! [DAMENMANTEL] 9,98 $ PORTOFREI. SEHEN SIE SEITE 7. [DAMENMANTEL] 5,98 $ PORTOFREI. SEHEN SIE SEITE 11. MANTEL FÜR JUNGEN 3,49 $ PORTOFREI. SEHEN SIE SEITE 288. SCHNEEANZUG 3,49 $ PORTOFREI. SEHEN SIE SEITE 46. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO., CHICAGO. GEGRÜNDET 1889. Index Seiten 316-317 • • • HERBST und WINTER 1932-33 • • • Katalog Nr. 112. [Seite 1]

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GIFTS for ALL THE FAMILY! For OTHER GIFTS, SEE PAGES 89 to 93… IMPORTED SUEDE-FINISHED FABRIC GLOVES. FINE QUALITY. 26 K 6026—HALF SIZES—6 to 8½. About 11 inches long. COLORS—Black with White trim, or Medium Tan with Light Tan trim. State size, color… 59¢. Shipping weight 2/16 lb. One clasp. Dressy and stylish! Chic! ONLY 39¢. 26 K 6029—HALF SIZES—6 to 8½. About 11 inches long. COLORS—Med. Tan with Light Tan, Black with White, Dark Gray with Lt. Gray… 39¢. Shipping weight 2/16 lb. Simply wonderful value! ASSORTED HANDKERCHIEFS! EMBROIDERED MIDGET HEMS. BARGAIN 12 for 45¢. For WOMEN. 26 M 3840—SIZE—About 9½ x 9½ ins. COLORS—White, with assorted-colored trim. Low price… 12 for 45¢. Shipping weight 4/16 lb. Big value! Fine, soft Lawn handkerchiefs, prettily embroidered. Some with colored hems, some hemstitched. ALL SILK CREPE-de-CHINE. 6 for 39¢. For WOMEN. ASSORTED-COLORED PRINTS. 26 M 3766—SIZE—About 10 x 10 ins. COLORS—Assorted. Low price… 6 for 39¢. Shipping weight 2/16 lb. Exquisite 'kerchiefs of All Silk Crepe de Chine. "Midget" hems. Bargain! BOUDOIR CLOCK ONLY $1.00. ROSE-PINK, OR MEDIUM GREEN. 26 T 20936—State color. Price… $1.00. Shpg. wgt. 1 6/16 lbs. A dainty and dependable alarm clock. Of lacquer-enameled Metal. 5 inches high. SMART! Imported All Wool Fringed Scarfs. 26 M 2665—SIZE—About 11 x 52 inches, including fringe. PREDOMINATING COLORS—Orange, Med. Green, or Medium Blue. State color. Price… 79¢. Shipping wgt. 4/16 lb. The scarf you'll never leave behind! Gay! Warm! In attractive new fancy weave, with effective contrasting stripes. Fine Quality, too, and a real "buy" here! Very nice for a Xmas gift. HAND-LACED—LEATHER LINED. ONLY $2.98 Postpaid. STEERHIDE LEATHER. 26 T 22308—6⅜ x 6½ inches. Shaded Brown. Delivered Free… $2.98. Smart! Durable! Safety "turnloc" on gilt-and-black frame. Coin-purse and mirror in pockets inside. FLORENTINE BAG. Made in Italy… HAND-LACED. 26 T 22250—7⅛ x 4¾ inches. COLORS—Brown, Tan, or Red, contrasting designs. State color… 99¢. Shipping weight 8/16 pound. Beautiful! Genuine Leather. Hand-colored. 2 pockets. Back strap handle. Rayon moire lining Mirror. Beautiful Gift. Lovely 3-DRAWER CABINET. ALL for 98¢. FILLED with STATIONERY. 26 T 20666—Low price… All for 98¢. Shipping weight 1 10/16 pounds. Colored Stationery. 24 sheets folded 6¼ x 5⅛ paper; 12 correspondence cards; 36 envelopes. BOX Sourét FACE POWDER and PINCUSHION. 49¢ for BOTH. A Nice Gift. 26 T 22540—Set 49¢. Shpg. wgt. 12/16 lb. Porcelain "dancer" whose rayon ribbon skirt hides a pincushion! Height 5 ins. Box of clinging, "flesh" Souret Face Powder, our own brand. A bargain! 3-piece SET… $1.95. Pretty! IN GIFT BOX. 26 T 22694—COLORS—Rose-pink, or Medium Green. Please state color. Price… $1.95. Shipping weight 2 6/16 pounds. Women will adore this lovely "toilette" set! Of Mother-of-Pearl Composition with lovely floral decorations. 13½ in. weighted mirror with 4½-inch beveled glass, 9-in. brush with good bristles; 7¾-in. comb with fine and coarse teeth. 8-PIECE MANICURING SET. IN PRETTY GIFT BOX… ROSE PINK. 26 T 22698—Price… $1.00. Shipping wgt. 1 pound. Straight and curved good steel scissors, file, etc. 5 of 8 implements with Mother-of-Pearl Galalith. In gilt-trimmed 10 x 6⅜ inch box with mirror in cover, and velveteen-lined base. A nice gift. 200-page PHOTO-ALBUM. NAME IN GOLD, FREE. (M. COOK. Photographs) 26 E 20732—7 x 10 ins. COLOR—Brown. PRINT name wanted. Price… 79¢. Shipping wgt. 2 8/16 lbs. Splendid loose-leaf album, for "photos" or "snaps". Embossed Imitation Leather covers. Rayon cord through metal eyelets. Fine value! FIVE YEARS DIARY. NAME IN GOLD, FREE. 26 E 20663—5 x 4 ins. COLOR—"Marbled" light Brown; gold-color trim. PRINT name wanted… 79¢. Shipping weight 10/16 lb. Beautiful! About 380 gilt-edged pages. Lock and key. Good strong covers. TRUCK loaded with CANDY KISSES and MILK WAGON loaded with SUCKERS. ALL for 69¢. WIND THEM AND WATCH THEM RUN! 26 T 2027—All for 69¢. Shipping wgt. 3 pounds. The kiddies will be amused and overjoyed with these Brightly Lithographed Metal toys. Truck about 13 ins. long over all, Milk wagon 9¾ inches. Bargain! XMAS CARD SPECIAL. 20 for 49¢. (Merry Christmas) MATCHING ENVELOPES. 26 U 20783—Price, 20 cards 49¢. Shpg. wgt. 8/16 lb. Lovely Xmas cards about 4⅜ x 5⅜ inches - - - some in color-gravure effect, some simulating tinted etchings. Simulated linings in envelopes. Big value! Gifts that are SURE to MAKE A HIT with Men and Boys. 3-piece SET, ALL for $2.49 Postpaid. NAME STAMPED IN GOLD, FREE… CIGARETTE CASE, BILLFOLD, KEY-CASE. BOX IS USEFUL FOR CIGARETTES, ETC. 26 E 22415—PRINT name wanted. Standard sizes. Delivered Free… $2.49. Of shaded Brown Steerhide Leather; embossed design. Laced edges. In novel Cedar chest. Imported—ALL WOOL MUFFLER. 52 x 12 Inches. 26 K 5952—COLORS—Blue or Brown predominating. State color. Low price… 79¢. Shipping wgt. 4/16 lb. Check "him" off your list with this smart, warm, Fine Quality muffler! In tri-color-basket weave. Bargain! Popular SHAVING STAND. WONDER VALUE. 5-piece SET—16 inches HIGH. 26 T 22783—Sets… $1.19. Shipping wgt. 2 14/16 lbs. $2 Orders postpaid. A man's idea of a real, honest-to-goodness gift, is something as practical and "usable" as this handsome Shaving Set. And it's everybody's idea of a real "buy". Nickel Plated and Light Blue Enameled stand. 5-inch swinging mirror. Removable cups. Container for shaving-stick. Sterilized brush with good bristles. Fine Quality 2-PIECE SET. BLUE, BROWN, MAROON, GREEN. 26 K 5963—COLORS—As named in picture. State color… 79¢. Shipping weight 10/16 pound. Tie and suspenders, both of heavy, Fine Quality Rayon Crepe. Durable, dressy. Length-adjusting buckles. A bargain! EXTRA SPECIAL! 6 for 39¢. MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME GIFTS! 26 M 3718—SIZE—About 17 x 17 inches… 6 for 39¢. Shipping weight 6/16 lb. Great value! Good! Attractive! Fine white Cotton. Assorted colored stripes. Hemstitched. Copyright 1932. Chicago Mail Order Co. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY - CHICAGO. Order Totaling $2 or More Delivered Free. Page 2

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$3,500,000 Backs This GUARANTEE. LOWEST PRICES and COMPLETE SATISFACTION. Guarantee. WE GUARANTEE EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS CATALOG TO BE EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED, DESCRIBED, AND REPRESENTED. IF UPON RECEIPT YOU FIND THAT THE MERCHANDISE YOU ORDERED IS NOT ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY, PLEASE RETURN IT AT ONCE AND YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED, INCLUDING POSTAGE. LOWEST PRICES. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE OUR MERCHANDISE TO BE AS LOW OR LOWER IN PRICE THAN THE SAME GOODS—QUALITY FOR QUALITY—CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ANY OTHER MERCANTILE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD. IF YOU FIND YOU HAVE PAID US A HIGHER PRICE IN ANY INSTANCE, WRITE US, GIVING FULL INFORMATION, AND WE WILL INSTANTLY REFUND TO YOU THE ACTUAL DIFFERENCE IN CASH. WE ALLOW NO HOUSE, NO MATTER WHERE IT IS LOCATED, TO UNDERSELL US. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO., CHICAGO. You'll Find It Easy, Safe, and Economical to Order From This Catalog. The Chicago Mail Order Company ships everything Parcel Post - - - Delivers Free all orders totaling $2.00 or more - - - and sets the Standard for Quick Mail Order Service. Thus saving and satisfaction are assured. Index on Pages… 316, 317. Order Blanks… 319, 322. How-to-order… 318. Size Page for men's and boys' clothing and furnishings, and men's and women's gloves… Page 276. Size Page for Women's, Misses', and Girls' hats, coats, dresses, and suits… Page 315. Return envelope in catalog. Sample Order… Page 320. Size Page for shoes for the entire family… Page 207. Size Page for underwear, foundation garments, hosiery, bloomers, slips, sweaters, infants' bonnets… Page 172. Ring Size Chart on… Page 320. Please Measure Carefully. On the various Size Pages (see above) you will find complete information for measuring and determining the size you require. We want our merchandise to fit you perfectly, and earnestly ask that you take all measurements with the utmost care. Please Be Sure to State COLORS and SIZES. Before mailing your order kindly check it over to make certain that you have stated size and color for each article, and that the article comes in the color and size you call for. If you do these things there should be no delay whatever in filling your order promptly. If possible order over $2.00 worth and Save the Postage. Our Reliability. Nothing we can say is more confidence-inspiring than our 43-year record of faithful service to our customers. During all these years we have supplied millions of families with everything to wear, and without loss to a single one. Today nearly 5,000,000 customers trade here with confidence - - - trade here with the assurance that they will always get their money's worth or their money back - - - satisfied that The Chicago Mail Order Company's Good-as-gold Guarantee governs every dealing. All we have we owe to our customers, and we pledge our entire net assets to the satisfactory fulfillment of every order. Your banker, your postmaster, or your neighbor, will tell you that The Chicago Mail Order Company is thoroughly reliable, dependable, and trustworthy. DEPENDABLE QUALITY. The quality of our merchandise is exactly as we describe it. All our goods are specification-made. Nothing is left to "guess-work." We insist that every article must give satisfactory service and measure up to our high standards of quality and workmanship. We maintain a completely-equipped laboratory to make certain we get the quality we specify, and you get the quality you pay for. When we tell you that items are All Silk, or Pure Linen, or Fast Color, or Barnyardproof, actual laboratory tests have proved them so. We never sacrifice quality in order to quote a low price - - - we never sell anything we cannot guarantee. LOWEST PRICES. There is only one sure way to save money, and that is to trade where prices are lowest. When you buy here our Lowest Price Guarantee protects you, since we refund the difference in cash if you can beat our prices. Our prices are lowest because we sell only by mail. We have no expensive retail stores, no charge accounts, no time payments, and no bad debt losses to add on to our prices. We sell for cash, we sell for less, we never raise a price quoted in our catalog, but whenever we buy for less we reduce the price and pass the saving on to you at the time you order. It is these things, backed by our determination to always quote the lowest prices, that have brought us nearly 5,000,000 satisfied customers. IT'S A FACT THAT - - - A Bushel of Wheat or a Bale of Cotton, A Ton of Hay or a Cornfed Steer. A Pound of Butter or a Fattened Hog, A Dozen Eggs or a Day's Pay, A Dollar, a Dime, or a Penny, will Buy More Real Merchandise Quality, Style, and Value at THE CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY than anywhere else in America. QUICK SERVICE. Situated in Chicago, the Center of the United States, right in the heart of its great railroad system, with over 1,000 trains daily, our parcels are most quickly dispatched to all parts of the country, enabling us to render the Fastest Mail Order Service in America. Actual tests show that we ship 99 1/10 of all orders in one day, the remainder not later than the following day. Any one of our customers will tell you that our service is quick and dependable. GREATER CONVENIENCE. In the ease and comfort of your own home, without expense, without loss of time, with wide varieties of dependable merchandise from which to choose, you can select the clothing needs of your family, satisfied that everything will be right or that The Chicago Mail Order Company will make it right. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO., CHICAGO. EST. 1889. [Page 3]

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(EXTRA SPECIAL) Thrift News (NEWS FLASH) VOL. XXX XIII—CHICAGO, ILLINOIS—1932-33. ECONOMY SWEEPS NATION. World's Biggest Bargain Center Gains 750,000 NEW CUSTOMERS. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER CO. MEETS NEEDS OF NATIONS THRIFTY FAMILIES. Today, when a cash saving means so much to the average family - - - when economy is the watchword in every home, thrifty families everywhere are turning to the Chicago Mail Order Company's catalog, where a cash saving on every purchase is assured. The Chicago Mail Order Company renders a national service, and through its great value-giving catalogs, offers its customers and their relatives and friends, unequaled money-saving opportunities. At the C. M. O. slender pocketbooks find rich bargains in quality merchandise, and families find happiness, because the Chicago Mail Order Company helps them to dress so much better for ever so little money. SIDNEY FOX "DELIGHTED" WITH C. M. O. STYLES, QUALITY AND VALUES. "STYLE-QUEEN" Fashions Win Movieland Approval. [Photographic picture of] SIDNEY FOX [U.S. American film actress, 1907-1942, note by M. K.], UNIVERSAL PICTURES STAR. Sidney Fox writes, in part: "These remarkable values should have a distinct appeal to young women with a desire to be well dressed" - - - Helen Twelvetrees says, in part: "Your reasonable prices for such highly attractive garments amaze us." - - - Anna Q. Nilsson writes, in part: "Nowhere in my travels have I seen better values in Women's Wear." The demand for "Style-Queen" values is national in scope. PRESIDENT HOOVER GREETS 4-H CLUB WINNERS ON TOUR. Left to right, in front: Mary Marley, Annette Yonkelowitz, President Hoover, Helen Thomas, and Louise Morgan. While touring the Shrines of American History as guests of the Chicago Mail Order Company, Chicago, these 4-H Club Girls were cordially received by President Hoover at Washington. It was, to them, an unforgettable occasion and a fitting reward for meritorious achievement in 4-H Club Work. The girls won the Chicago Mail Order Co's. prize trips in the 1931 Style Revue contest. "SLIM-FASHOND' FROCKS A DELIGHT" SAYS Grace Viall Gray of Gray Institute of Home Economics. In her letter Mrs. Gray says: "Your 'Slim-fashond' frocks for the larger-than-average figure are truly a delight. Large women will welcome their graceful, slenderizing lines and unusual becomingness. Really, I don't understand how you can offer such nice dresses for so little money." HAPPINESS - - - and Xmas joy will be found a-plenty, on the gift pages of the Chicago Mail Order Company's catalog. Remember this when Christmastime rolls 'round. Look now at Pages 89 to 93. Of course there are practical gifts for holiday and every day on every page, and a saving in every price. Enormous Customer Increase Jan. 1st To July 1st. Today the Chicago Mail Order Co. Is the World's Largest Exclusive Mail Order House. The true worth of the service a company renders is revealed in times like the present. Some companies go ahead - - - some stand still - - - others fall by the wayside. Not only has the Chicago Mail Order progressed during these troublous times, but, in the past six months alone, has added three quarters of a million new friends to its customer list. Good styles, good goods, good prices, and the good service rendered by the Chicago Mail Order Company, are the reasons for this outstanding achievement. The Chicago Mail Order Company thanks its old customers for their generous patronage. The company expresses its appreciation of the confidence and good will which has played an important part in bringing 750,000 relatives, friends, and neighbors of these old customers to trade at the C. M. O., where the most for the money is always assured. ADVERTISEMENT. (YES, MARY, THIS C.M.O. CATALOG HAS BEEN A LIFE-SAVER IN THESE HARD TIMES) (THANKS FOR LENDING ME YOUR CATALOG – I'LL USE IT TO ECONOMIZE TOO!) HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR SAVE! LEND YOUR CATALOG! Lend your catalog to your neighbor; she'll thank you for calling her attention to the many money-saving opportunities on every page. It means so much in happiness to the average family in times like these, to be able to save money on wearing apparel. Be neighborly, be friendly, be helpful, and you'll be happy, too. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY - CHICAGO. For complete details on How to Order, see Page 318. Page 4

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The More You Buy, the More You Save! OUR PRICES are LOWEST. ANY ORDER THAT TOTALS $2.00 or MORE DELIVERED FREE! IF ORDER IS LESS THAN $2.00 POSTAGE IS EASY TO FIGURE. Please Allow for Postage If Your Order Totals Less Than $2.00. Consult Zone Map and Proper Chart Below. If you will compare our low prices with prices asked by others, you will find there is a big saving for you in every purchase - - - large or small. Be assured we welcome all orders and give small orders the same careful attention and fast service we give larger orders. And keep in mind that there is a double saving for you when your order totals $2.00 or more, because then it is DELIVERED FREE. Be Thrifty, Plan Your Purchases, and Save the Postage. On Oct. 1st New U. S. Parcel Post Rates become effective! For your convenience in determining postage charges on orders less than $2.00, we have placed on this page two charts showing Parcel Post rates before and after Oct. 1st. Please use the proper chart. In case you live on a rural route and wish to return any goods to us, remember that after Oct. 1st the new postal rates permit you to mail the package for 3¢ less than the regular rate. Save this 3¢ - - - don't waste postage. [On the left is a 1932 map of the United States and all 48 states at the time, showing shipping zones 1 to 8 in the radius of Chicago, IL., note by M. K.] (→ OLD RATES GOOD UNTIL OCT. 1st →) THIS CHART GOOD UNTIL OCT. 1ST, 1932. NOTE: On parcels 8 ounces (½ or 8/16 lb.), or less, the rate is 1½¢ per each 2 ounces regardless of zone. Parcels over 8 ounces (½ or 8/16 lb.) and under 1 pound, take the 1 pound rate. WEIGHT IN POUNDS ½ lb. or less See Note above | LOCAL | ZONES 1 and 2—Up to 150 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 3—150 to 300 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 4—300 to 600 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 5—600 to 1000 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 6—1000 to 1400 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 7—1400 to 1800 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 8—OVER 1800 MILES From Chicago. Over ½, not over 1 lb. | 7¢ | 7¢ | 8¢ | 8¢ | 9¢ | 10¢ | 12¢ | 13¢. Over 1, " " 2 " | 8¢ | 8¢ | 10¢ | 12¢ | 15¢ | 18¢ | 22¢ | 25¢. Over 2, " " 3 " | 8¢ | 9¢ | 12¢ | 16¢ | 21¢ | 26¢ | 32¢ | 37¢. Over 3, " " 4 " | 9¢ | 10¢ | 14¢ | 20¢ | 27¢ | 34¢ | 42¢ | 49¢. Over 4, " " 5 " | 9¢ | 11¢ | 16¢ | 24¢ | 33¢ | 42¢ | 52¢ | 61¢. Over 5, " " 6 " | 10¢ | 12¢ | 18¢ | 28¢ | 39¢ | 50¢ | 62¢ | 73¢. Over 6, " " 7 " | 10¢ | 13¢ | 20¢ | 32¢ | 45¢ | 58¢ | 72¢ | 85¢. Over 7, " " 8 " | 11¢ | 14¢ | 22¢ | 36¢ | 51¢ | 66¢ | 82¢ | 97¢. Over 8, " " 9 " | 11¢ | 15¢ | 24¢ | 40¢ | 57¢ | 74¢ | 92¢ | $1.09. Over 9, " " 10 " | 12¢ | 16¢ | 26¢ | 44¢ | 63¢ | 82¢ | $1.02 | $1.21. If You Allow Too Much for Postage We Will Refund the Difference Down to the Last Penny. (→ NEW RATES APPLY AFTER OCT. 1st →) NEW U.S. PARCEL POST RATES after OCT. 1ST 1932. NOTE: On parcels 8 ounces (½ or 8/16 lb.) or less, the rate is 1½¢ per each 2 ounces regardless of zone. Parcels over 8 ounces (½ or 8/16 lb.) and under 1 pound, take the 1 pound rate. WEIGHT IN POUNDS ½ lb. or less See Note above | LOCAL | ZONES 1 and 2—Up to 150 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 3—150 to 300 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 4—300 to 600 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 5—600 to 1000 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 6—1000 to 1400 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 7—1400 to 1800 MILES From Chicago | ZONE 8—OVER 1800 MILES From Chicago. Over ½, not over 1 lb. | 7¢ | 8¢ | 9¢ | 10¢ | 11¢ | 12¢ | 14¢ | 15¢. Over 1, " " 2 " | 8¢ | 10¢ | 11¢ | 14¢ | 17¢ | 19¢ | 23¢ | 26¢. Over 2, " " 3 " | 8¢ | 11¢ | 13¢ | 17¢ | 22¢ | 26¢ | 32¢ | 37¢. Over 3, " " 4 " | 9¢ | 12¢ | 15¢ | 21¢ | 27¢ | 33¢ | 41¢ | 48¢. Over 4, " " 5 " | 9¢ | 13¢ | 17¢ | 24¢ | 33¢ | 40¢ | 50¢ | 59¢. Over 5, " " 6 " | 10¢ | 14¢ | 19¢ | 28¢ | 38¢ | 47¢ | 59¢ | 70¢. Over 6, " " 7 " | 10¢ | 15¢ | 21¢ | 31¢ | 43¢ | 54¢ | 68¢ | 81¢. Over 7, " " 8 " | 11¢ | 16¢ | 23¢ | 35¢ | 49¢ | 61¢ | 77¢ | 92¢. Over 8, " " 9 " | 11¢ | 17¢ | 25¢ | 38¢ | 54¢ | 68¢ | 86¢ | $1.03. Over 9, " " 10 " | 12¢ | 18¢ | 27¢ | 42¢ | 59¢ | 75¢ | 95¢ | $1.14. If You Allow Too Much for Postage We Will Refund the Difference Down to the Last Penny. Page 5

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The MERITS of our "Style Queen" Fashions. HAVE BROUGHT US NATION-WIDE Style-LEADERSHIP. To Paris, the world's center of Fashion - - - where French couturieres with their inimitable talent for design create styles which are instinctively correct - - - the Chicago Mail Order Company looks for the models from which it adopts its exclusive "Style-Queen" hats, coats, and dresses. Thus it is that "Style-Queen" fashions are the first word in style - - - the harbinger of the mode - - - the nation's choice. Women everywhere love "Style-Queen" hats, coats, and dresses because they are new, alluring, and charming. Women everywhere praise "Style-Queen" hats, coats, and dresses because they are so amazingly low in price, so well made, and because they are in good taste long after clothes bought elsewhere are out of date. Today, when every penny means so much, today, when most wear must be had out of every garment, the women of the city, town, and farm are turning more than ever, to "Style-Queen" Fashions. Nowhere else in America is there offered such a wide variety of authentic styles, colors, and sizes from which to choose - - - turn the pages which follow, and note carefully the wealth of material and elegance of fur in "Style-Queen" coats. Note the style and dash in "Style-Queen" hats, and the delightful grace in "Style-Queen" dresses. Remember that we have been style-specialists for 43 years; remember that everything we sell must please you and give you the service you have a right to expect. Wear "Style-Queen" Coats, Dresses, and Hats - - - - Dress Better and More Stylishly for Much Less Money! NAMED FOR STYLE ("Style Queen" Coats and Dresses) FAMED FOR VALUE. 4-H CLUB NEWS. The Chicago Mail Order Co. again offers many prizes to 4-H Style Revue Winners. In June or July, 1933, another group of four lucky 4-H girls, with their state Club Leaders, will enjoy a 3-weeks' trip to the Shrines of American History, as guests of The Chicago Mail Order Company. As announced by the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' 4-H Club Work, The Chicago Mail Order Company extends its co-operation again this year, and in addition to sponsoring the Grand Prize for National winners in each of the four dress divisions of the 4-H Style Dress Revue Contest, offers many other attractive rewards such as a solid Gold Medal of Honor to the National Champion, Gold Watches for the eight girls who place second and third in the National Style Dress Revue Contest, Free Trips to the 4-H Club Congress to State Winners, and Medals of Honor to County Winners. Contest is Nationwide. Rural girls between the ages of 10 and 20 who are interested in 4-H Club work should consult with their local 4-H Club Leader or County Extension Agent. 4-H Club girls may secure full details of prizes offered by The Chicago Mail Order Company for 1932, by inquiring of their local 4-H Club Leader, or by writing to their State Club Leader or State Agricultural College. 4-H Champion "Style-Queens" return from a 3-weeks' Trip to Shrines of History! The National winners of the 1931 Style Dress Revue Contest who enjoyed The Chicago Mail Order Company's trip to the Shrines of American History were Misses Helen Louise Thomas, Ohio; Annette Yonkelowitz, Illinois (Grand Champion); Louise Morgan, Georgia; and Mary Marley, Massachusetts. Each girl was accompanied by her state club leader. The party, with Mr. G. L. Noble, Managing Director of the National Committee in charge, left on June 18 and returned July 13, after a most enjoyable 3200 mile trip. Two-Reel Motion Picture Made of Trip. Would you like to see Washington, Mount Vernon, Monticello, New York, Boston, and other interesting and historic places visited by the 4-H party? You'll soon have that pleasure, as The Chicago Mail Order Company has produced a two-red motion picture of the trip. This film, through the courtesy of the Chicago Mail Order Company, will soon be available, without charge, to state and county club leaders, extension agents, and others. Be sure to see the picture. Ask your local leader to write for it to the National Committee on Boys' and Girls' Club Work, Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. During the trip the girls kept a day-by-day diary which is so interesting and educational that we will publish it in book form, and copies will be available about Sept. 15th. Write to The Chicago Mail Order Company, Dept. 600, Chicago, for a free copy. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY - CHICAGO. Orders Totaling $2 or More Delivered Free! Page 6

S. 7

Latest FLASH form Hollywood. Chicago Mail Order Co., Chicago, Ill. Gentlemen: The advance styles and superior quality of the material in your new fall and winter catalog are a revelation to us of the motion picture colony. Also your reasonable prices for such highly attractive garments amaze us. [Signature of] Helen Twelvetrees. [Photographic picture of] HELEN TWELVETREES [1907-1958] R. K. O. RADIO Pictures Star. Photo by E. A. Bachrach [Ernest A. Bachrach, 1899-1973]. LILA LEE [1905-1973], POPULAR MOVIE STAR (Photo by Freulich) [most likely Jacob "Jack" Freulich, 1880-1936]. Says in part: "Your styles are priced at figures making it possible for most woman to be modishly attired." CLAUDIA DELL [1910-1977], BEAUTIFUL SCREEN STAR (Photo by Freulich). Claudia Dell says in part: "I see no smarter styles in Paris, New York, Chicago, or Hollywood. Your values thrill me!" SIDNEY FOX [1907-1942], UNIVERSAL PICTURES STAR (Photo by Freulich). Says in part: "Delightful garments! It's difficult to understand how you can offer such quality at such low prices!" ANNA Q. NILSSON [1888-1974], POPULAR MOVIE STAR. Anna Q. Nilsson says in part: "Nowhere in my travels have I seen better values in women's wear." The PARIS! NEW SCARF COLLAR. IMPORTED WOLF-BLENDED DOG FUR TRIM. Fine Quality ALL WOOL BROADCLOTH $9.98. Belt INCLUDED. Attractively LINED. FULLY INTERLINED. 26 C 4758—WOMEN'S SIZES—34, 36, 38, or 40 bust. Lgth. abt. 48 ins. 26 C 4759—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, or 20 years; 32, 34, 36, or 38 inches bust. Length about 47 inches. COLORS—Black or Dark Green with Black Wolf-blended Dog Fur, or Brown with Red-fox-dyed Wolf-blended Dog Fur. State size, color. How to Measure, Page 315. Postpaid… $9.98. The "ne plus ultra" in style and value - - - and that means the unbeatable, the supreme - - - the topmost. It's the coat on the cover of this catalog - - - the captivating "lead" in our Winter '32-'33 style-show, because even in an all star cast of straight-from-Paris styles and premiere values, it's outstanding! Every fraction of every penny spent in its purchase, here brings you its utmost limit in value! A fascinating creation of warm, fine quality All Wool Broadcloth, smooth and beautiful. Newest cuffs and animal scarf-effect collar of durable, lustrous Wolf-blended Dog Fur. Sides artfully seamed. Rayon-and-Cotton Satin two-season lining; warm interlining. "Divine" style! Miracle value! Self belt included. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY… CHICAGO. Page 7

S. 8

("JUST LOOK AT THE WONDERFUL QUALITY… AND IMAGINE! SUCH A LOW PRICE, TOO!") We take great pride in the fact that we always put far better materials and finer workmanship into "Style-Queen" coats than you'll find anywhere else in America at our low prices. To us, quoting Guaranteed Lowest Prices never has nor never will mean cutting the quality of fabrics, or just "throwing" the garment together in order to underprice competition. Especially today, when everyone is cutting prices, you need to be alert as to the quality of the garments you buy, for a low price, without satisfactory quality, is no bargain! We guarantee the quality that goes into our garments, and will cheerfully refund your money if for any reason whatever you are not 100% satisfied. Flattering BLACK PECORA-LAMB FUR TRIM. Fully LINED and INTERLINED • Belt Included. ALL WOOL DIAGONAL SUEDE… $7.98 DELIVERED FREE. All Your Friends will Say, "WORTH MORE than $10.00." 26 C 4802—WOMEN'S SIZES—34, 36, 38, 40, 42, or 44 inches bust. Length about 48 inches. 26 C 4803—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, or 20 years; 32, 34, 36, or 38 inches bust. Length about 47 inches. COLORS—Black, Dark Green, or Dark Red, all with Black fur. Please state size and color. See "How to Measure," on Page 315. Low price, Delivered Free… $7.98. You do not need the wisdom of a Confucius, the genius of an Edison, or the mind of a Shakespeare to know, at a glance, that this aristocratic-looking coat is value without a peer. Or that such up-to-the-minute styling and lovely materials are "declasse" associating with such a very low price-tag! You need only be an American Lady with her keen knowledge of fashion, quality, and value, to sense this coat's style-rightness and value-supremacy. This stunningly chic model is fashioned of ultra-popular, warm All Wool Diagonal Suede, a durable, dressy fabric with a faint diagonal weave in the manner of Paris' latest coatings. Oversleeves and cozy, flattering collar are luxuriously trimmed with Black, fluffy pecora-lamb fur. Durable Rayon-and-Cotton Brocade lining, guaranteed for two seasons' wear. Warm, full length interlining. If $7.98 is the price you intend paying for your coat, you're mighty, mighty lucky your eye "caught" this one - - - it just can't be beat at the price! Fur-brush free. CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY… CHICAGO. HOW TO MEASURE… See Page 315. Page 8

S. 9

Outstanding STYLE • Dependable QUALITY • Made to Retail at $10.00. ONLY $7.98 Postpaid. Popular IMPORTED BADGER-DYED-PECORA-LAMB FUR TRIM. Attractively LINED • FULLY INTERLINED. DIAGONAL SUEDE COATING. 26 C 4804—WOMEN'S EVEN SIZES—34 to 40 inches bust. Length 48 ins. 26 C 4805—MISSES'—14 to 20 yrs.; 32 to 38 inches bust. Length 47 inches. COLORS—Black, Dark Green, or Dark Brown, all with Badger-dyed Pecora-Lamb Fur. State color and size. See "How to Measure", on Page 315. Delivered Free… $7.98. Smart as Lake Placid, famed winter resort; warm as Palm Beach in spring! A dashing, fascinating coat with a beautiful, flattering collar, the latest thing Paris has created. The collar, loose in front, can be worn smartly "high and wide", or nonchalantly open; and the tucked, befurred over-sleeves are another bit of beauty you'd never find elsewhere in so very inexpensive a coat! Of warm, lovely Suede Coating About Three-fourths Wool, with faint diagonal weave - - - and diagonals are very "good" now. Rayon-and-cotton brocade two-season lining; warm interlining. Fur-brush free. ALL WOOL PIN-POINT VENISE. PARIS SPONSORS this RICH, Velvety COATING. NEW …SILVER-FOX-DYED PECORA-LAMB FUR TRIM. $9.98 Postpaid. WORTH MUCH MORE! Handsomely LINED • Warmly INTERLINED • 26 C 4786—WOMEN'S SIZES—34, 36, 38, 40, 42, or 44 ins. bust. Length 48 inches. 26 C 4787—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, or 20 years only; 32, 34, 36, or 38 inches bust. Length 47 inches. COLOR—Black with Silver-fox-dyed Pecora-Lamb Fur. State size. Please see "How to Measure", on page 315. Delivered Free… $9.98. Of beautiful, jet-black All Wool Pinpoint Venise, the new, long-wearing Paris-inspired fabric that combines a soft, close pile and a glorious dull richness with the warmth of wool. Quality so Very Fine it would be "fitting and proper" in a $25 coat! We were "lucky" enough to buy it at a miraculously low price, and you reap the benefit. Think of such a fabric styled to the gracious mode pictured, with the luxurious collar, and the cuffs on the tucked oversleeves of imported Pecora-Lamb Fur dyed in imitation of the expensive Silver Fox - - - a fluffy, flattering, black fur shading to silver. Two-season lining of rayon-and-cotton satin, and warm interlining Fur-brush tree. Phenomenal value - - - no less! Page 9

S. 10

Fashionable! BLUE-FOX-DYED PECORA-LAMB FUR TRIM. Astonishing VALUE AT ONLY $6.98 Postpaid. SMARTLY TAILORED of WARM TRICOT VELOUR. Fully LINED and INTERLINED. 26 C 4836—WOMEN'S EVEN SIZES—34 to 44 bust. Length 48 ins. 26 C 4837—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, or 20 years; 32, 34, 36, or 38 inches bust. Length 47 inches. COLORS—Black, Dark Green, or Dark Brown, all with Blue-Fox-dyed Pecora Lamb Fur. State color and size. Price, Delivered Free… $6.98. "A pretty proposition indeed," is this smart coat with its intriguing stitchings and tuckings, its uniquely fur-trimmed sleeves, and its darling, loose-in-front Parisian collar that, buttoned high, reveals a beautifully stitched, paneled front. Styled miles above any coat elsewhere at the price, and made of warm, well-wearing Tricot Velour About Two-thirds Wool. Rayon-and-Cotton two-season brocade lining; warm interlining. Fine value! Fur-brush free. TAILORED of FROSTED DIAGONAL SUEDE Coating. MARVELOUS $7.98 Postpaid. You'll see this Quality Elsewhere at $10.00. Smart "LASKIN-LAMB" FUR TRIMMING. Attractively LINED • Warmly INTERLINED. 26 C 4828—WOMEN'S EVEN SIZES—34, 36, 38, or 40 inches bust. Length 48 inches. 26 C 4829—MISSES' SIZES—14, 16, 18, or 20 years; 32, 34, 36, 38 inches bust. Length 47 inches. COLORS—Medium Blue, Medium Green, or Medium Tan, all with Light Brown fur. Please state color and size; see "How to Measure" on Page 315. Low price, Delivered Free… $7.98. The bright-eyed animal-effect head peeping over Milady's left shoulder, and the paw-effect fur tabs caressing her arm, add pert charm to the smart Beaver-dyed Laskinlamb Fur collar. The coat so adorned is very low priced, yet a chic, swanky affair of modish Frosted Diagonal Suede Coating About Two-thirds Wool, a warm, new seudelike [sic! suede-like] fabric, faintly, fashionably diagonal-ribbed, that wears "just ages." Note the modish sleeves, and the back, too. Two-season lining of Rayon-and-Cotton brocade. An excellent buy! Warm interlining. (PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. "HOW TO MEASURE" SEE PAGE 315) CHICAGO MAIL ORDER COMPANY… CHICAGO. ORDERS TOTALING $2.00 or MORE… DELIVERED FREE. Page 10
