Hamilton Garment Co., Spring/Summer 1918

Fashion from the catalog of the Hamilton Garment Company department store and mail order company from New York City, N.Y., U.S.A., for spring and summer 1918.

Pages in total: 52 (completely online)

Scan format: 17.4 x 23.2 cm / 6.85 x 9.13 in

Browse Catalog

52 Pages

Front page or cover of the spring and summer catalog of the Hamilton Garment Company department store and mail order company, 307 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N.Y. (USA) from 1918. Photo: Hamilton Garment Co.

Why You Save Money at the Hamilton. WHEN you order your new Spring and Summer outfit from The Hamilton Garment Co., "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY," you are dealing direct with the manufacturer. Naturally we save you considerable money, since we charge only WHOLESALE PRICES plus a small amount to cover the cost of handling single sales. This means a saving of $5 to $10 on Suits and proportionate amounts on Coats and Dresses. VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS AT 307 FIFTH AVENUE. For the convenience of our customers who visit New York we maintain a spacious salesroom at the above address. Ordering by mail is equally satisfactory, however, under our liberal guarantee of satisfaction or money refunded. Your order has our personal attention. OUR GUARANTEE. We guarantee every garment to be exactly as represented. Return your purchase within 24 hours after receiving it and we will refund your money without question. When we say without question we mean exactly that. You are to be the judge as to whether or not you wish to keep the garment. THE HAMILTON GARMENT CO. AS TO OUR RELIABILITY WE REFER YOU TO The CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK, 320 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Samples. Samples of materials used in suits, dresses and coats are always gladly sent upon request. Please mention the catalog number and state your choice of materials and colors. You need not delay your order, however, for every material we use is absolutely reliable, and is as stated in our description of the garments. We do NOT furnish samples of trimmings or linings, but guarantee your entire satisfaction with their quality. Our liberal policy of refunding money to you promptly, if unsatisfactory, protects you. Time required to fill orders. We usually fill our orders within from twenty-four to forty-eight hours of the time they are received. Don't write to us regarding delay until ample time has been allowed for your letter to reach us, for us to fit the garment, to fill the order and for the package to reach you, remembering that there may be a slight delay in transit. We cannot furnish a garment in any color not given in the description, make up a style in any other material than that in which it is described in the catalog, or make the slightest change in style of trimming. We do not sell materials or dress trimmings of any kind by the yard nor have we any other kinds of merchandise than listed in this catalog. We deal in women's outer apparel exclusively and through this specialization in one line are enabled always to offer our patrons superior garments at the lowest prices obtainable.

P. 1

No. 560. This good-looking dress is made of a good quality SILK POPLIN. Has a white silk Poplin over-collar and cuffs. Novelty buttons, buckles and self-belt. Full draped skirt. Comes in ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black, navy, gray, Copenhagen blue or plum, all with white collars. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also weight, height and color desired. See back cover... Price, $6.50. No. 561. This serviceable dress is made of a fine wearing WOOL SERGE with a percentage of cotton mixed. Has a white Satin over-collar. The apron effect front is neatly embroidered in a combination of gold tinsel and Copenhagen silk. Lined to the waist with lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy or black. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $5.95. 307 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, Wash and Party Dresses, Pages 13 to 16. Page 1

P. 2

No. 562. This "chic" dress is made of a good quality SILK TAFFETA with the new shawl collar and cuffs of white Satin. A wide self-belt holds the full draped skirt at the waist. Is lined with Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, gray or Copenhagen blue. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $8.95. No. 563. This dainty model is made of a good quality CREPE DE CHINE. It has the new shawl collar and culls of white Satin and is finished with pearl buttons. Note the smart effect of the pleated skirt. Opens in the front and is lined with lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, gray or black with white collars and cuffs. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $10.50. See the latest Shoe Styles, Pages 44 to 48, THE HAMILTON GARMENT CO. Page 2

P. 3

No. 564. This dainty dress is made of a fine Quality SILK TAFFETA with Georgette Crepe sleeves. Has a tan Georgette collar, neatly embroidered. The novel front is finished with colored silk tassels in a subdued effect to match the embroidery an the collar. The dress opens at the side and is lined to the waist with lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, black or tan. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $12.95. No. 565. This "chic" model is made of a fine quality SILK TAFFETA with Georgette Crepe sleeves. Has a picot edged white Georgette collar and the front is daintily hand silk embroidered. The waist is finished in a surplice effect and is lined with lawn. This dress opens in the front and comes in ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, Copenhagen, gray or tan. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $10.95. 307 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, These Photographs are taken from life. Page 3

P. 4

No. 566. This smart dress is made of a good quality SILK TAFFETA with Georgette Crepe sleeves to match. Over-collar and vestee of white satin finished with small pearl buttons. Self sash which ties in the back. The smart shawl collar front is finished with self-covered pendant ball buttons. Opens in front and is lined with fine lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, black or Copenhagen blue. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired... Price, $12.95. No. 567. This attractive embroidered dress is made of a fine SILK TAFFETA with Georgette Crepe sleeves to match. Has a novelty collar, and dainty design of silk embroidery as illustrated. New straight line effect with a full draped skirt. The dress is lined with lawn and opens in the front. Ladies' and misses sizes. Colors: Navy, gray, tan or black. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired... Price, $10.95. No. 568. This "chic" model is made of a good quality SILK TAFFETA. The novelty collar and combination in pleated girdle are of self material in a contrasting color. Novelty buttons as illustrated. Opens in front and is lined with fine lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy with tan trimming, Copenhagen with gray, or gray with Copenhagen. Give bust, waist and hip measures also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $11.95. Cloth and Silk Coats, Pages 27 to 38, THE HAMILTON GARMENT CO. Page 4

P. 5

No. 569. Another effective tailored model of a very good quality SILK TAFFETA with Georgette Crepe sleeves to match. Has a fine picot edged over-collar and vestee of Georgette Crepe. Is finished in the front and pockets with fine silk stitching and pearl buttons. Pouch pockets as illustrated. Opens in front. Waist lined with lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, black. Copenhagen blue or gray. Give bust, waist and hip measures, also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $10.95. No. 570. A very pleasing model suitable to all figures, also made of a fine quality SILK TAFFETA. Small collar of self material in a contrasting color which also matches the button trimming on front and sleeve. Note the dainty metal buckles on the novel belt. Opens in front and is lined with fine Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black or navy with gray trimming or gray with Copenhagen. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $11.95. No. 571. This new surplice effect model is made of a good quality SILK TAFFETA and is hand embroidered with beads and silk in harmonizing colors. The surplice effect in front forms a novelty belt in back. The semi-bustle effect and cuffs are set off with small, self-covered pendant buttons. Opens on the side and is lined to the waist with fine lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Gray, tan, Copenhagen blue or navy. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $12.50. 307 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. We prepay all express and mail charges. Page 5

P. 6

No. 572. This conservative yet very stylish model is made of a splendid quality CREPE DE CHINE. Has a pleated vestee, long collar effect and is beautifully hand embroidered on front of wide self girdle, which is fastened at the sides with self-covered buttons. Opens in the front and is lined with fine lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black, navy, Copenhagen blue or tan. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $12.95. No. 573. This dainty and unique style of fine quality CREPE DE CHINE has a smart collar of white satin which forms a semi-belt in front as illustrated. The vestee is of flesh colored Georgette Crepe. This model is waist lined with Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, Copenhagen blue or gray with white satin collar. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $13.95. Silk and Cloth Suits, Pages 18 to 26. THE HAMILTON GARMENT CO. Page 6

P. 7

No. 574. A charming model made of fine quality CREPE DE CHINE with silk hand embroidery in a novel design on front and pockets. New picot edged collar of self material finished with silk tassels. Opens on the side and is lined with fine Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black, navy, Copenhagen blue or gray with self colored embroidery daintily finished with gold tinsel. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $13.95. No. 575. One of our most effective models made of a splendid quality CREPE DE CHINE. Has the semi-bustle effect and graceful shawl collar of white satin. Note the side sash effect of self material and the fashionable draped skirt as illustrated. Opens on the side and is lined with Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Navy, Copenhagen or gray with white collars. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $14.95. 307 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. Quality garments at savings of $5 to $10. Page 7

P. 8

No. 576. "Chic" straight line model made of a very fine quality ALL WOOL FRENCH SERGE. The front and back are effectively trimmed with black silk braid. Small self-covered buttons and pleated panels as illustrated. White satin collar. Opens on the side and is lined with fine Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Comes in navy or black. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $16.75. No. 577. Another splendid style made of a good quality ALL WOOL FRENCH SERGE. Note the novelty front set off with small buttons and the white satin collar. The entire skirt is pleated and hangs in a graceful effect. Black buckle in front. Opens in the front and is lined with Seco silk. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black or navy. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $11.95. No. 578. This novel "blouse and apron" model is made of a very good quality ALL WOOL FRENCH SERGE in the new straight line effect. The front, back and dainty "turn back" pockets are neatly finished with silk braid and small buttons as illustrated. White satin collar. Opens on the side and is lined with fine lawn. Ladies' and misses' sizes. Colors: Black or navy. Give bust, waist and hip measures; also height, weight and color desired. See back cover... Price, $14.95. For perfect fit, state all measurements. THE HAMILTON GARMENT CO. Page 8
