
Apr 28, 2024

National Cloak & Suit Co. 1924

There are now 150 pages online from the catalog of the National Cloak & Suit Co. for spring and summer 1924 previously there were only 29. The impact of the Egyptomania of the previous year was still evident in the women's dresses. The straight fashion line began to prevail. Men's summer suits were made from fabrics such as Coolkenny Crash, Panama Cloth or Palm Beach Cloth for the warm days.

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Mar 17, 2024

Philipsborn's 1924

In 1924, the Chinese tile game Mah-Jongg created a craze in the USA, which also spread to mail order companies. The Philipsborn's catalog for spring and summer 1924, which is now online with 250 pages, features Mah-Jongg sandals (p. 163), Mah-Jongg jewelry and the game itself (p. 105). Ladies' dresses and clothes were available to be ordered in the fashion colors Chinese red or Chinese blue.

You can now find over 10,400 pages on

Feb 18, 2024

B. Altman & Co. 1924

The slim fashion line, which fell straight from the shoulders to the hem, had firmly established itself by 1924. In the newly uploaded B. Altman & Co. for spring and summer 1924, you will find 134 pages of day, afternoon and elegant evening wear in the upper price range for women. Furthermore, you will find sportswear, swimwear, underwear, corsets, children's fashion and, to a limited extent, fashion for men.

The database now comprises more than 10,300 pages.

Jan 21, 2024

Stern Brothers & Co. 1917

The barrel skirt started to replace the wide war crinoline in early 1917, while the war in Europe also became a strain on US trade. The catalog of the New York City department store Stern Brothers & Co. for spring and summer 1917 sold on 68 pages women's suits, afternoon and evening dresses, underwear, shoes, girls' and boys' clothing, household textiles and to a limited extend men's clothing.

You can now find over 10,200 pages on

Dec 24, 2023

Bellas Hess & Co. 1923-24

Shoes with Egyptian ornaments, handbags with tooled pharaoh heads and belts made of metal rings brought a touch of the exotic to the Bellas Hess & Co. catalog for fall and winter 1923-24 another 101 pages from the catalog are now online. The straight silhouette with a low waistline had established itself. Alongside coat dresses, bell sleeves and pleated fabrics, richly embroidered costumes were very much in fashion.

You can now find over 10,100 pages on

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