
Apr 15, 2017

National Bellas Hess Inc. 1928

Just in time for Easter, today we are updating with 170 new pages from the mail order catalog of National Bellas Hess Inc. for spring and summer 1928. Due to the merger of the two companies National Cloak & Suit Co. and Bellas Hess & Co. in the summer of 1927, National Bellas Hess became the third largest mail order company in the USA at the end of the twenties with over six million customers.

As a result, well over 2,800 pages from 38 catalogs and 29 magazines are now online!

Apr 2, 2017

Haensel-Echo No. 11 – 1932

With today's update also the Haensel-Echo issue no. 11 from spring and summer 1932 is completely available online with all 20 pages.

In future updates, it is planned to upload new issues and catalogs in constant rotation and then to add old, already partially publicly accessible issues. The goal is to successively complete all still fragmented issues.

Feb 26, 2017

Modenschau – February 1928

Matching carnival, the remaining pages of the illustrated German fashion magazine Modenschau No. 182 from February 1928 are published today. Previously, only 10 pages were viewable, now the entire issue of 64 pages is accessible.

As of February 16, 2017, the previous website was discontinued! All content from the old site can also be found here on the new site Through several updates, the previous content has already been expanded several times. Through this update, there are now 2,700 page online.

Feb 5, 2017

Chicago Mail Order Co. 1929-30

From the Chicago Mail Order Company mail order catalog for fall and winter 1929-30, 208 pages of descriptions are now available online. Until recently, only 45 of the catalog's 338 pages were accessible. When this catalog was published in July 1929, the Chicago-based U.S. mail order company reported more than four million customers who ordered their ready-to-wear fashions through the mail.

The number of public pages in the database has now risen to over 2,600.

Jan 13, 2017

Modenschau – January 1932

With the first update of the new year 2017, the complete 64-page issue of Modenschau No. 229 from January 1932 is now publicly available. In addition to editorial content and advertising, the fashion section of the issue was devoted to elegant evening gowns for the winter ball season and the New Year's receptions still to come. In addition, the first transitional models for spring 1932 were already presented.

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