Sep 4, 2016
Hamilton Garment Co. 1919
As of now, the entire Hamilton Garment Co. catalog from spring and summer 1919 is online. Although large parts of the catalog were already online, now all pages are uploaded and publicly accessible. This makes it the first completely uploaded catalog on!
Jul 27, 2016
Haensel-Echo No. 9 – 1931
After the launch of on July 15, 2016, the first update takes place today with the spring and summer issue of Haensel Echo No. 9 from 1931. It is the first issue that is completely online and can conveniently be browsed through by the new Flipbook.
In order to use the Flipbook in a meaningful and optimal way, future issues and small catalogs will be uploaded completely if possible—or published step by step, depending on the amount of pages. But first, have fun with the new update!
Oct 25, 2015
Philipsborn's 1924
A whole 105 pages from the Philipsborn's mail order catalog from spring and summer 1924 follow today as a new update. In addition, all fashion pages from the December issue of Illustrierte Modenschau No. 168 from 1926 have been available online for a few weeks now. This means that there are now over 1,700 fashion images online!
In addition, the fashion year 1926 has been completely revised, greatly expanded and footnotes added.
Aug 5, 2015
Spiegel, May, Stern & Co. 1929-30
Today's update is a novelty for For the first time, the 77 newly uploaded images from the 1929-30 Spiegel, May, Stern & Co. fall and winter catalog include scanned fashion images as well as household textiles, furniture, electrical household appliances and automobile accessories that were offered on installment purchase in the catalog.
A slight revision has been made to the 1926 fashion year, with the section on self-tailoring assigned to the Twenties overview section. A total of over 1,600 images are now online.
May 27, 2015
Philipsborn's Catalog 1921
After seven months, a new update follows today with a total of 72 images from the spring and summer catalog of Philipsborn's from 1921. 31 of these images are in spring-like color printing, which belied the recession of 1920/21 in the USA.
In addition, the Fashion 1930 page has been fully furnished with footnotes.
In total, there are now well over 1,500 images online! Have fun browsing!