
Mar 12, 2012

Chicago Mail Order Co. 1929

In the spring of 1929, there were already signs of a turnaround in women's fashion. One senses relatively little of this turnaround on the pages of the U.S. mail-order catalog of the Chicago Mail Order Co. from spring and summer 1929. Belt-lines are still low, and dresses emphasize hardly the waistline.

Today's update adds 54 pages from this catalog, showing women's hats, dresses, coats, underwear and also men's fashions to the site. In total, well over 1,300 fashion illustrations from 32 mail-order catalogs and 23 illustrated magazines are now online. A complete revision has been made to the Fashion Year 1924.

Jan 29, 2012

National Cloak & Suit Co. 1923

In the spring of 1923, the devaluation of money in the German Reich accelerated. It was not until the currency reform in November 1923 that the economic situation began to stabilize. The situation in the USA was quite different. Here, economic development picks up speed and develops into a real boom in the following years.

The fashion of the spring/summer catalog of the National Cloak & Suit Co. of 1923 presents the new line of the year 1923, which is still a long way to the "typical" fashion of the twenties.

A text about the development of department stores and the emergence of the first American mail-order houses was added to the Fashion Development page.

Dec 31, 2011

Modenschau – November 1929

Just in time for the turn of the year comes the 8th and last update of the year. The Fashion Year 1925 is completely revised, expanded, much more extensive and now of course with sources and bibliography. In 1925, androgynous fashion is at its peak.

4 years later, the line of women's fashion again takes an unmistakably feminine direction, giving a foretaste of the glamorous, feminine fashion of the 1930s. In the German Illustrated Modenschau No. 203 of November 1929, ball gowns and evening dresses for the coming 1929-30 winter season are presented. Formal dresses and winter coats can also be found in the issue. Enjoy the new update!

Nov 5, 2011

Charles William Stores 1926-27

Today's update adds 59 scanned images from the 1926-27 Charles William Stores fall and winter catalog to the site. This means that there are now over 1,200 images online in the picture gallery from 30 American mail order catalogs and 22 fashion magazines and company magazines from the period 1916 to 1933.

The Fashion Year 1926 has been revised and significantly expanded in recent weeks, and of course a source list has been added.

Sep 28, 2011

Modenschau – August 1931

Chilly days and turning leaves announce the approach of winter, to which fashion is also adapting. This is no different today than it was 80 years ago. The August 1931 issue of Modenschau No. 224 gave a first preview of the 1931 fall fashions and provided many patterns for the coming transitional fashions, for which matching patterns could also be ordered.

The 15 pages from the Modenschau issue No. 224 present autumn and rain coats, visiting and afternoon dresses as well as costumes - but also evening dresses and wedding gowns can be found in the offering of this issue.

All pictures of the individual fashion years are now uploaded in 600 x 800 pixel format. The text "The First World War and Fashion - 1914-1918" on the Fashion Development page has also been revised and drastically expanded in recent weeks.

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